These Korean Face Masks Left Me OBSESSED

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Korean skincare (still!) seems to be one of the most wanted skincare hypes around.

And I have to admit that it has gotten into me as well! Being a skincare addict since I was a teenager, the Korean skincare world still amazes me.

Those genius companies from the east seem to create so much more unique, innovative and effective stuff than we have in our whole drugstores…

But this a topic for next time.

Last month I’ve found a superb website to get Korean skincare products FOR CHEAP and it’s such a big deal that I decided to share about this with you.

This website Althea Korea is officially my new obsession and I can’t wait to try all the stuff I have ordered with my second order, but that’s not the point of this post.

Knowing that some of you are hardcore skincare addicts like me, I knew that you would love these natural (and a little dorky) masks that I’ve found! (And I’m being a little hasty here because not only they are very cute & well-formulated, but they’re extremely affordable and are also ON SALE now!)

It’s an amazing deal that’s worth checking out so I’m doing something I rarely do and have crafted a little demo for you guys (P. S. this post is NOT sponsored, but I may get a tiny commission if you purchase through my links).

I have also managed to get a few extra deals for ShineSheets readers so make sure to check them out at the bottom!

Let’s see what this is all about?

P. S. don’t mind if those descriptions are a little weird, I think it’s a part of their branding


1) Avo-Cuddle-Me Nourishing Avocado Mask (Available here | 10 Sheets for 7.20$)


I mean, their presentation is beautiful, right?

About this mask: it is very well formulated and effective masks with ingredients for moisture, anti-wrinkle care, ingredients for brightening (which is great if you have dark spots or acne scars) and anti-microbial agents that will help if you have acne.

Hibiscus is one of my favorite skincare ingredients of all time overall because it really does brighten the whole complexion and leaves you looking so much healthier and younger and it’s a plant so it’s completely natural and safe to use.

You can learn more about this mask here.


2) Water-Me-Long Moisturizing Watermelon Mask (Available here | 10 Sheets for 7.20$)


I swear watermelon is everywhere in skincare now. This mask caught my eyes because it had a ton of reviews and they were ALL sparkling, which is pretty rare for face masks in this price range.

This masks is very moisturizing and I think it would be perfect for absolutely any skin type. They also add A LOT of masks essence in the packaging so you can use the mask itself and then use what’s left in the packaging over the course of a few days to make it a week-long facial routine (keep it in the fridge and apply under your moisturizer).

Learn more about these masks here.


3) Sparkle-Me-Bright Brightening Lemon Lime Mask (Available here | 1 Sheet for 0.80$)


Okay, this one is for those who have dull skin and wish to have a more glowing complexion. Nothing is better for brightening your skin than Vitamin C (another reason to eat more citrus fruits, ahem…) and also the price is nuts on this one so it’s definitely worth grabbing as well!

Learn more about these here.

There are more masks in this line but I don’t want this article to load forever due to these pretty pictures, so for more masks please visit here!